Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Australia Skilled Occupations Lists for 2017-18

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Skilled Occupations Lists for 2017-18 Released

The Skilled Occupations lists for the 2017-18 program year have been released. This article explains how the new lists work and which occupations have been added and removed.

General Skilled Migration

Prior to 1 July, a single MLTSSL applied to both Employer Sponsored and General Skilled Migrationprograms, and also a single STSOL.
However, the lists are different between the two programs from 1 July and are best thought of as:
  • IFSOL: Occupations for Skilled Independent Subclass 189 visas and Family Sponsored Skilled Regional Provisional Subclass 489 visas - we refer to this as the IFSOL (Independent and Family Sponsored Occupations List) in the table below.
  • STNOL: Occupations for state and territory nominated 190 and 489 visas - referred to as the STNOL below (State/Territory Nominated Occupations List).
IFSOL and STNOL are not terms used in the Legislative Instruments, but are useful in understanding which lists apply to particular visa pathways.
6 occupations have been removed from the list for Skilled Independent and family sponsored 489 visas as compared to the pre 1 July MLTSSL. Removed occupations include Sea Transport Professionals and Psychotherapists (removed entirely) and the occupations of Production Manager (Mining) and Anaesthetists which are still available for State/Territory Nomination.
13 occupations have been removed from the approved lists entirely - these include Senior Managers, Statisticians, Economists, Mining Engineers, Engineering Professionals NEC and Chemists.
16 occupations have been added to the State/Territory Nominated list which were not previously available - these include Air Transport Professionals, ICT Support Staff, Butchers and Retail Buyers.

Employer Sponsored Visas

The 457 visa and the ENS Direct Entry Stream share the same occupations list. The list is split into MLTSSL occupations and STSOL occupations. MLTSSL occupations result in a 457 visa valid for up to 4 years, whereas the maximum duration of a 457 visa in an STSOL occupation is only 2 years.
In the table below, these occupations are listed under the ESOL (Employer Sponsored Occupations List) column and we have indicated whether they are on the MLTSSL or STSOL.
Compared to the lists prior to 1 July, 18 occupations have been removed entirely - these include marine transport professionals, psychotherapists, medical administrators and property associate professionals.
27 occupations have been added to the approved lists including R&D Managers, life scientists, air transport professionals, ICT Support roles, butchers, Music professionals, metallurgists and horse trainers.
22 occupations have been moved from the STSOL to the MLTSSL including senior management positions, environmental scientists and university lecturers. 2 occupations have moved from the MLTSSL to the STSOL.
Caveats which previously applied only to 457 visa applications will now apply to ENS Direct entry applications as well - these may specify the type of business, nature of the role or minimum salary required for approval.


Changes to the occupations lists have been quite major - on balance more occupations have been added than removed, but applicants in certain occupations may be adversely affected.
If you would like an assessment of your eligibility for Employer Sponsored or General Skilled Migration or how the changes to the occupations list affect you, please book a consultation with one of our advisors.

Skilled Occupations Lists from 1 July 2017

111111 Chief Executive or Managing DirectorMLTSSL
111211 Corporate General ManagerMLTSSL
121111 Aquaculture FarmerSTSOL
121211 Cotton GrowerSTSOL
121212 Flower GrowerSTSOL
121213 Fruit or Nut GrowerSTSOL
121214 Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower (Aus) / Field Crop Grower (NZ)STSOL
121215 Grape GrowerSTSOL
121216 Mixed Crop FarmerSTSOL
121217 Sugar Cane GrowerSTSOL
121221 Vegetable Grower (Aus) / Market Gardener (NZ)STSOL
121299 Crop Farmers necSTSOL
121311 ApiaristSTSOL
121312 Beef Cattle FarmerSTSOL
121313 Dairy Cattle FarmerSTSOL
121316 Horse BreederSTSOL
121317 Mixed Livestock FarmerSTSOL
121318 Pig FarmerSTSOL
121321 Poultry FarmerSTSOL
121322 Sheep FarmerSTSOL
121399 Livestock Farmers necSTSOL
121411 Mixed Crop and Livestock FarmerSTSOL
131112 Sales and Marketing ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
131113 Advertising ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
132111 Corporate Services ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
132211 Finance ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
132311 Human Resource ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
132511 Research and Development ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
133111 Construction Project ManagerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
133112 Project BuilderIFSOL
133211 Engineering ManagerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
133411 ManufacturerSTNOLSTSOL
133511 Production Manager (Forestry)STSOL
133512 Production Manager (Manufacturing)STNOLSTSOL
133513 Production Manager (Mining)STNOLSTSOL
133611 Supply and Distribution ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
134111 Child Care Centre ManagerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
134211 Medical Administrator (Aus) / Medical Superintendent (NZ)IFSOL
134212 Nursing Clinical DirectorSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
134213 Primary Health Organisation ManagerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
134214 Welfare Centre ManagerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
134299 Health and Welfare Services Managers necSTNOLSTSOL
134311 School PrincipalSTNOLSTSOL
134411 Faculty HeadMLTSSL
134499 Education Managers necSTNOLSTSOL
135111 Chief Information OfficerMLTSSL
135112 ICT Project ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
135199 ICT Managers necSTNOLSTSOL
139911 Arts Administrator or ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
139912 Environmental ManagerMLTSSL
139913 Laboratory ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
139914 Quality Assurance ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
139999 Specialist Managers necSTNOLSTSOL
141111 Cafe or Restaurant ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
141311 Hotel or Motel ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
141999 Accommodation and Hospitality Managers necSTNOLSTSOL
142114 Hair or Beauty Salon ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
142115 Post Office ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
149112 Fitness Centre ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
149113 Sports Centre ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
149212 Customer Service ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
149311 Conference and Event OrganiserSTNOLSTSOL
149413 Transport Company ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
149913 Facilities ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
211112 Dancer or ChoreographerSTNOLSTSOL
211212 Music DirectorSTNOLSTSOL
211213 Musician (Instrumental)MLTSSL
211299 Music Professionals necSTNOLSTSOL
211311 PhotographerSTNOLSTSOL
211499 Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals necSTNOLSTSOL
212111 Artistic DirectorSTNOLSTSOL
212212 Book or Script EditorSTNOLSTSOL
212312 Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage)STNOLSTSOL
212314 Film and Video EditorSTNOLSTSOL
212315 Program Director (Television or Radio)STNOLSTSOL
212316 Stage ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
212317 Technical DirectorSTNOLSTSOL
212318 Video ProducerSTNOLSTSOL
212411 CopywriterSTNOLSTSOL
212412 Newspaper or Periodical EditorSTNOLSTSOL
212413 Print JournalistSTNOLSTSOL
212415 Technical WriterSTNOLSTSOL
212416 Television JournalistSTNOLSTSOL
212499 Journalists and Other Writers necSTNOLSTSOL
221111 Accountant (General)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
221112 Management AccountantSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
221113 Taxation AccountantSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
221211 Company SecretarySTNOLSTSOL
221213 External AuditorSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
221214 Internal AuditorSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
222111 Commodities TraderSTNOLSTSOL
222112 Finance BrokerSTNOLSTSOL
222113 Insurance BrokerSTNOLSTSOL
222199 Financial Brokers necSTNOLSTSOL
222211 Financial Market DealerSTNOLSTSOL
222213 Stockbroking DealerSTNOLSTSOL
222299 Financial Dealers necSTNOLSTSOL
222311 Financial Investment AdviserSTNOLSTSOL
222312 Financial Investment ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
223112 Recruitment ConsultantSTNOLSTSOL
223211 ICT TrainerSTNOLSTSOL
224112 MathematicianSTNOLSTSOL
224113 StatisticianMLTSSL
224212 Gallery or Museum CuratorSTNOLSTSOL
224213 Health Information ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
224214 Records ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
224311 EconomistMLTSSL
224511 Land EconomistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
224611 LibrarianSTNOLSTSOL
224711 Management ConsultantSTNOLSTSOL
224712 Organisation and Methods AnalystSTNOLSTSOL
224914 Patents ExaminerSTNOLSTSOL
224999 Information and Organisation Professionals necSTNOLSTSOL
225111 Advertising SpecialistSTNOLSTSOL
225113 Marketing SpecialistSTNOLSTSOL
225211 ICT Account ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
225212 ICT Business Development ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
225213 ICT Sales RepresentativeSTNOLSTSOL
225311 Public Relations ProfessionalSTNOLSTSOL
225499 Technical Sales Representatives necSTNOLSTSOL
231111 Aeroplane PilotSTNOLSTSOL
231113 Flying InstructorSTNOLSTSOL
231114 Helicopter PilotSTNOLSTSOL
232112 Landscape ArchitectSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
232213 CartographerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
232214 Other Spatial ScientistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
232311 Fashion DesignerSTNOLSTSOL
232312 Industrial DesignerSTNOLSTSOL
232313 Jewellery DesignerSTNOLSTSOL
232411 Graphic DesignerSTNOLSTSOL
232412 IllustratorSTNOLSTSOL
232414 Web DesignerSTNOLSTSOL
232511 Interior DesignerSTNOLSTSOL
232611 Urban and Regional PlannerSTNOLSTSOL
233111 Chemical EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233112 Materials EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233211 Civil EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233212 Geotechnical EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233213 Quantity SurveyorSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233214 Structural EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233215 Transport EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233311 Electrical EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233411 Electronics EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233511 Industrial EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233512 Mechanical EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233513 Production or Plant EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233611 Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum)MLTSSL
233612 Petroleum EngineerMLTSSL
233911 Aeronautical EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233912 Agricultural EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233913 Biomedical EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233914 Engineering TechnologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233915 Environmental EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233916 Naval Architect (Aus) / Marine Designer (NZ)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
233999 Engineering Professionals necMLTSSL
234111 Agricultural ConsultantSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
234112 Agricultural ScientistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
234113 Forester (Aus) / Forest Scientist (NZ)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
234211 ChemistMLTSSL
234212 Food TechnologistMLTSSL
234213 Wine MakerSTSOL
234312 Environmental ConsultantMLTSSL
234313 Environmental Research ScientistMLTSSL
234399 Environmental Scientists necMLTSSL
234411 GeologistSTNOLSTSOL
234412 GeophysicistMLTSSL
234413 HydrogeologistMLTSSL
234511 Life Scientist (General)MLTSSL
234513 BiochemistMLTSSL
234514 BiotechnologistMLTSSL
234515 BotanistMLTSSL
234516 Marine BiologistMLTSSL
234517 MicrobiologistMLTSSL
234518 ZoologistMLTSSL
234599 Life Scientists necMLTSSL
234611 Medical Laboratory ScientistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
234711 VeterinarianSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
234911 ConservatorMLTSSL
234912 MetallurgistMLTSSL
234913 MeteorologistMLTSSL
234999 Natural and Physical Science Professionals necMLTSSL
241111 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) TeacherSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
241213 Primary School TeacherSTNOLSTSOL
241311 Middle School Teacher (Aus) Intermediate School Teacher (NZ)STNOLSTSOL
241411 Secondary School TeacherSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
241511 Special Needs TeacherSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
241512 Teacher of the Hearing ImpairedSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
241513 Teacher of the Sight ImpairedSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
241599 Special Education Teachers necSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
242111 University LecturerMLTSSL
249111 Education AdviserSTNOLSTSOL
249211 Art Teacher (Private Tuition)STNOLSTSOL
249212 Dance Teacher (Private Tuition)STNOLSTSOL
249214 Music Teacher (Private Tuition)STNOLSTSOL
249299 Private Tutors and Teachers necSTNOLSTSOL
249311 Teacher of English to Speakers of Other LanguagesSTNOLSTSOL
251111 DietitianSTNOLSTSOL
251112 NutritionistSTNOLSTSOL
251211 Medical Diagnostic RadiographerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
251212 Medical Radiation TherapistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
251213 Nuclear Medicine TechnologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
251214 SonographerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
251312 Occupational Health and Safety AdviserSTNOLSTSOL
251411 OptometristSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
251412 OrthoptistSTNOLSTSOL
251511 Hospital PharmacistSTNOLSTSOL
251512 Industrial PharmacistSTNOLSTSOL
251513 Retail PharmacistSTNOLSTSOL
251911 Health Promotion OfficerSTNOLSTSOL
251912 Orthotist or ProsthetistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
251999 Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals necSTNOLSTSOL
252111 ChiropractorSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
252211 AcupuncturistSTNOLSTSOL
252213 NaturopathSTNOLSTSOL
252214 Traditional Chinese Medicine PractitionerSTNOLSTSOL
252299 Complementary Health Therapists necSTNOLSTSOL
252311 Dental SpecialistSTNOLSTSOL
252312 DentistSTNOLSTSOL
252411 Occupational TherapistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
252511 PhysiotherapistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
252711 AudiologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
252712 Speech Pathologist (Aus) / Speech Language Therapist (NZ)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253111 General PractitionerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253112 Resident Medical OfficerSTNOLSTSOL
253211 AnaesthetistSTNOLSTSOL
253311 Specialist Physician (General Medicine)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253312 CardiologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253313 Clinical HaematologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253314 Medical OncologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253315 EndocrinologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253316 GastroenterologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253317 Intensive Care SpecialistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253318 NeurologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253321 PaediatricianSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253322 Renal Medicine SpecialistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253323 RheumatologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253324 Thoracic Medicine SpecialistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253399 Specialist Physicians necSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253411 PsychiatristSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253511 Surgeon (General)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253512 Cardiothoracic SurgeonSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253513 NeurosurgeonSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253514 Orthopaedic SurgeonSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253515 OtorhinolaryngologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253516 Paediatric SurgeonSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253517 Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeonSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253521 Vascular SurgeonSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253911 DermatologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253912 Emergency Medicine SpecialistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253913 Obstetrician and GynaecologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253914 OphthalmologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253915 PathologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253917 Diagnostic and Interventional RadiologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253918 Radiation OncologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
253999 Medical Practitioners necSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254211 Nurse EducatorSTNOLSTSOL
254212 Nurse ResearcherSTNOLSTSOL
254311 Nurse ManagerSTNOLSTSOL
254411 Nurse PractitionerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254412 Registered Nurse (Aged Care)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254413 Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254414 Registered Nurse (Community Health)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254415 Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254416 Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254417 Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254418 Registered Nurse (Medical)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254421 Registered Nurse (Medical Practice)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254422 Registered Nurse (Mental Health)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254423 Registered Nurse (Perioperative)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254424 Registered Nurse (Surgical)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254425 Registered Nurse (Paediatrics)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
254499 Registered Nurses necSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
261111 ICT Business AnalystSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
261112 Systems AnalystSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
261211 Multimedia SpecialistMLTSSL
261212 Web DeveloperSTNOLSTSOL
261311 Analyst ProgrammerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
261312 Developer ProgrammerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
261313 Software EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
261314 Software TesterSTNOLSTSOL
261399 Software and Applications Programmers necMLTSSL
262111 Database AdministratorSTNOLSTSOL
262112 ICT Security SpecialistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
262113 Systems AdministratorSTNOLSTSOL
263111 Computer Network and Systems EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
263112 Network AdministratorSTNOLSTSOL
263113 Network AnalystSTNOLSTSOL
263211 ICT Quality Assurance EngineerSTNOLSTSOL
263212 ICT Support EngineerSTNOLSTSOL
263213 ICT Systems Test EngineerSTNOLSTSOL
263299 ICT Support and Test Engineers necSTNOLSTSOL
263311 Telecommunications EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
263312 Telecommunications Network EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
271299 Judicial and Other Legal Professionals necSTNOLSTSOL
272111 Careers CounsellorSTNOLSTSOL
272112 Drug and Alcohol CounsellorSTNOLSTSOL
272113 Family and Marriage CounsellorSTNOLSTSOL
272114 Rehabilitation CounsellorSTNOLSTSOL
272115 Student CounsellorSTNOLSTSOL
272199 Counsellors necSTNOLSTSOL
272311 Clinical PsychologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
272312 Educational PsychologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
272313 Organisational PsychologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
272399 Psychologists necSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
272412 InterpreterSTNOLSTSOL
272499 Social Professionals necSTNOLSTSOL
272511 Social WorkerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
272612 Recreation Officer (Aus) / Recreation Coordinator (NZ)STNOLSTSOL
272613 Welfare WorkerSTNOLSTSOL
311111 Agricultural TechnicianSTSOL
311211 Anaesthetic TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
311212 Cardiac TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
311213 Medical Laboratory TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
311215 Pharmacy TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
311299 Medical Technicians necSTNOLSTSOL
311312 Meat InspectorSTNOLSTSOL
311399 Primary Products Inspectors necSTSOL
311411 Chemistry TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
311412 Earth Science TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
311413 Life Science TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
311499 Science Technicians necSTNOLSTSOL
312111 Architectural DraftspersonSTNOLSTSOL
312112 Building AssociateSTNOLSTSOL
312113 Building InspectorSTNOLSTSOL
312199 Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians necSTNOLSTSOL
312211 Civil Engineering DraftspersonSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
312212 Civil Engineering TechnicianSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
312311 Electrical Engineering DraftspersonSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
312312 Electrical Engineering TechnicianSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
312512 Mechanical Engineering TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
312912 Metallurgical or Materials TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
312913 Mine DeputySTNOLSTSOL
313111 Hardware TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
313112 ICT Customer Support OfficerSTNOLSTSOL
313113 Web AdministratorSTNOLSTSOL
313199 ICT Support Technicians necSTNOLSTSOL
313211 Radiocommunications TechnicianSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
313212 Telecommunications Field EngineerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
313213 Telecommunications Network PlannerIFSOL
313214 Telecommunications Technical Officer or TechnologistSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
321111 Automotive ElectricianSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
321211 Motor Mechanic (General)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
321212 Diesel Motor MechanicSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
321213 Motorcycle MechanicSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
321214 Small Engine MechanicSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
322113 FarrierSTNOLSTSOL
322211 Sheetmetal Trades WorkerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
322311 Metal FabricatorSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
322312 Pressure WelderIFSOL
322313 Welder (First Class) (Aus) / Welder (NZ)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
323111 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics)STNOLSTSOL
323112 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical)STNOLSTSOL
323113 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures)STNOLSTSOL
323211 Fitter (General)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
323212 Fitter and TurnerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
323213 Fitter-WelderSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
323214 Metal Machinist (First Class)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
323215 Textile, Clothing and Footwear MechanicSTNOLSTSOL
323299 Metal Fitters and Machinists necSTNOLSTSOL
323314 Precision Instrument Maker and RepairerSTNOLSTSOL
323316 Watch and Clock Maker and RepairerSTNOLSTSOL
323412 ToolmakerSTNOLSTSOL
324111 PanelbeaterSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
324211 Vehicle Body BuilderSTNOLSTSOL
324212 Vehicle TrimmerSTNOLSTSOL
331211 Carpenter and JoinerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
332211 Painting Trades WorkerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
333211 Fibrous PlastererSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
333212 Solid PlastererSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
333311 Roof TilerSTNOLSTSOL
333411 Wall and Floor TilerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
334111 Plumber (General)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
334112 Airconditioning and Mechanical Services PlumberSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
334113 Drainer (Aus) / Drainlayer (NZ)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
341111 Electrician (General)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
341112 Electrician (Special Class)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
341113 Lift MechanicSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
342111 Airconditioning and Refrigeration MechanicSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
342211 Electrical Linesworker (Aus) / Electrical Line Mechanic (NZ)IFSOL
342212 Technical Cable JointerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
342311 Business Machine MechanicSTNOLSTSOL
342313 Electronic Equipment Trades WorkerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
342314 Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
342315 Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class)STNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
342411 Cabler (Data and Telecommunications)STNOLSTSOL
342413 Telecommunications Linesworker (Aus) / Telecommunications Line Mechanic (NZ)STNOLSTSOL
351111 BakerSTNOLSTSOL
351112 PastrycookSTNOLSTSOL
351211 Butcher or Smallgoods MakerSTNOLSTSOL
361111 Dog Trainer or HandlerSTNOLSTSOL
361112 Horse TrainerMLTSSL
361199 Animal Attendants and Trainers necSTNOLSTSOL
361311 Veterinary NurseSTNOLSTSOL
362111 FloristSTNOLSTSOL
362211 Gardener (General)STNOLSTSOL
362212 ArboristSTNOLSTSOL
362213 Landscape GardenerSTNOLSTSOL
362311 GreenkeeperSTNOLSTSOL
391111 HairdresserSTNOLSTSOL
392111 Print FinisherSTNOLSTSOL
392311 Printing MachinistSTNOLSTSOL
393213 Dressmaker or TailorSTNOLSTSOL
393311 UpholstererSTNOLSTSOL
394111 CabinetmakerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
394211 Furniture FinisherSTNOLSTSOL
394213 Wood MachinistSTNOLSTSOL
394299 Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers necSTNOLSTSOL
399111 Boat Builder and RepairerSTNOLIFSOLMLTSSL
399211 Chemical Plant OperatorSTNOLSTSOL
399213 Power Generation Plant OperatorSTNOLSTSOL
399312 Library TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
399411 JewellerSTNOLSTSOL
399512 Camera Operator (Film, Television or Video)STNOLSTSOL
399514 Make Up ArtistSTNOLSTSOL
399516 Sound TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
399599 Performing Arts Technicians necSTNOLSTSOL
399611 SignwriterSTNOLSTSOL
411111 Ambulance OfficerSTNOLSTSOL
411112 Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic (Aus) / Ambulance Paramedic (NZ)STNOLSTSOL
411213 Dental TechnicianSTNOLSTSOL
411311 Diversional TherapistSTNOLSTSOL
411411 Enrolled NurseSTNOLSTSOL
411611 Massage TherapistSTNOLSTSOL
411711 Community WorkerSTNOLSTSOL
411712 Disabilities Services OfficerSTNOLSTSOL
411713 Family Support WorkerSTNOLSTSOL
411715 Residential Care OfficerSTNOLSTSOL
411716 Youth WorkerSTNOLSTSOL
452311 Diving Instructor (Open Water)STNOLSTSOL
452312 Gymnastics Coach or InstructorSTNOLSTSOL
452313 Horse Riding Coach or InstructorSTNOLSTSOL
452314 Snowsport InstructorSTNOLSTSOL
452315 Swimming Coach or InstructorSTNOLSTSOL
452316 Tennis CoachSTNOLSTSOL
452317 Other Sports Coach or InstructorSTNOLSTSOL
452321 Sports Development OfficerSTNOLSTSOL
452411 FootballerSTNOLSTSOL
452499 Sportspersons necSTNOLSTSOL
511111 Contract AdministratorSTNOLSTSOL
511112 Program or Project AdministratorSTNOLSTSOL
599612 Insurance Loss AdjusterSTNOLSTSOL
611211 Insurance AgentSTNOLSTSOL
639211 Retail BuyerSTNOLSTSOL


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